PT. Mitraniaga Cipta Solusi

An Integrated Approach in Human Resources  Management


Our Vision

To become  a dynamic,  progressive,  innovative  and  reliable Indonesian  human resource  and organizational effectiveness consulting firm that  provides  the  highest  value to our clients.

Our Mission

To become  a dynamic,  progressive,  innovative  and  reliable Indonesian  human resource  and organizational effectiveness consulting firm that  provides  the  highest  value to our clients.

Our Value

To maintain an integrity in every project and assignment and to ensure   that   our services   are  based  on a strong principle of honesty and the highest standard of business norms and ethics.

To be committed to providing ongoing support and advice with an emphasis  on  practical  skill development  based on proven management theory.

To maintain   the quality  of our  services  to  meet   the highest standards of demanding quality in human resource management.